

We are people from a wide range of backgrounds who are on a journey together, learning what it means to live as followers of Jesus Christ in everyday seven days a week life for the whole of our lives. We have discovered from the Bible and from personal experience that Jesus is good news and we want to share that with others.  Find out more

Our services are taking place in the building and being streamed live.

Our main worship service is at 10.30am, and typically finishes at 12 noon. This is where we come together to worship God and experience church family. Our services include reading and teaching from the Bible, prayers, hymns and modern songs. Videos, drama sketches and dance are sometimes used to bring a bible passage or message to life and to help us put it into practice during the week.

The service is normally all age for the first 20 minutes, when the children are invited to leave for their Fire Activity Groups.

Pastor’s Blog
Listen Again


We have an exciting opportunity for a FULL TIME Children, Youth and Family Worker at Shirley Baptist Church.

For more information about this role and how to apply click here.

Image of three crucifixion crosses against a bright sunrise skyLent Sermon Series: Jesus’ Journey to the Cross
Begins on Sunday 9 March

Over the coming weeks, as we prepare for the glorious celebration of Easter, we will discover why Jesus took the path of surrender to God’s will and how we can do it too.
Come with us as we navigate this season of Lent and as we reflect on Jesus final days on Earth, his death and resurrection.
We will discover that by surrendering to God, we too, will see a way to freedom, renewal and a deeper relationship with the Lord.

Join us in person or via our YouTube Channel.

tree with hands instead of leaves and the text "Serving Others"Church Text 2025

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10