Come to the Miracle that is Christ (18/12/2016)
In a game of Pass The Parcel we are trying to get to the best part: Waiting - Working - Wondering - Wowing Please be aware that the volume increase shortly after the start of the track
every day church for everywhere people
In a game of Pass The Parcel we are trying to get to the best part: Waiting - Working - Wondering - Wowing Please be aware that the volume increase shortly after the start of the track
Luke 1:26-38 & 46-56 Mary - The Miracle Mother (and Obedient Teenager!) Obedience; Humble Surrender; Praise
Matthew 1:1-6 & Galatians 4:4 The Miracle of this Christmas Moment is not simply about a birth, it is about a coming. God had planned for the arrival of his Son, before he even created the earth.
Matthew 11:1-6 JESUS, the ONE who works MIRACLES, is the ONE who can be trusted to deliver so much more than MAGICAL ever can.
Mark 4:35-41
Luke 9:18-25 A Sincere Desire, A Self Denial, A Sacrificial Death, A Singular Devotion
Luke 14:15-24 An Invitation Extended, An Invitation Evaded, An Invitation Expanded
Isaiah 58:2-12 False Fasting Exposed, True Fasting Illustrated, True Fasting Blessed
Number 13 & 14 Unbelief stops us short of what God unbelievably makes it possible for us to both enter and enjoy.