Archives: Sermons
Hey Jude! Don’t Forget To Remember 18/06/2017
Jude Verses 5 - 7
Hey Jude! Now For Something Completely Different 11/06/2017
Jude Verse 3 & 4 Home Group Notes are available to download.
Hey Jude! Don’t Carry The World Upon Your Shoulders 04/06/2017
Jude Verses 1 & 2
It’s Your Vote That Counts 28/05/2017
1 Samuel Chapter 8
Don’t Stop Me Now! 21/05/2017
Acts 8:34-40
Do You Need A Faith Lift? 14/05/2017
Guest Preacher: Rev Ian Coffey, Vice-Principal (Strategy) of Moorlands College Number 13 & 14
The Touch That Transforms (07/05/2017)
Mark 1:40-45
Up Against The Wall (30/04/2017)
Nehemiah 2
Grace Happening (23/04/2017)
John 21:1-22