Archives: Sermons

  • A Look Behind The Scenes: Esther 7 08/03/2020

    The universal law of the harvest is that a man reaps what he sows. Haman would end up paying the ultimate price for his plan to kill of Mordecai, being hanged on the very gallows he had purpose built for him. There are no life group notes with this series.

  • A Look Behind The Scenes: Esther 6 01/03/2020

    With God great big doors open on the smallest of hinges. One Royal case of insomnia would change everything for the better for all God’s people back in Esther’s day because of it! There are no life group notes with this series.

  • A Look Behind The Scenes: Esther 5 23/02/2020

    Putting our life on the line for God will always be challenging. Esther was ready to stand alone for God resolved at whatever cost to do whatever it would take to save her people. There are no life group notes with this series.

  • A Look Behind The Scenes: Esther 4 16/02/2020

    In the hour of crisis only God can meet the need. God had so planned it that Esther should be in her in place as queen in Persia at just the right time to bring about the exact result God wanted. There are no life group notes with this series.

  • A Look behind the Scenes: Esther 3 09/02/2020

    When your enemies have it in for us, God will be there for us. Haman personifies everyone who has tried to exterminate the people of God. The hatred of Israel and the persecution of The Church will always be the goal of those who try to take God on. There are no life group notes with this series.

  • A Look Behind The Scenes: Esther 2 02/02/2020

    God preparing Esther for what He is preparing her for. Esther knows nothing of the events taking place in the royal palace, but without her knowing it, God is at work getting things ready for what He’s put her there for. There are no life group notes with this series. This sermon failed to record.

  • A Look Behind The Scenes: Esther 1 26/01/2020

    To show us that though God is invisible He is invincible. Looking out at the world as it is can be far from encouraging, but we need not fret and worry. God is still running the show, God is still on the throne. There are no life group notes with this series.