Archives: Sermons

  • Dish Of The Day: Trumpets (13/03/2022)

    Today’s service is led by John with the message from Pastor Shaun Sweeney.
    We continue our Series: The Dish Of The Day
    Our Bible readings are Leviticus 23:23-25 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

    This Service was broadcast on our YouTube Channel.

    Click here for the Life Group Notes.

  • Dish Of The Day: Pentecost (06/03/2022)

    Today’s service is led by Jill, with the message from Pastor Shaun Sweeney.
    We continue our Series: The Dish Of The Day.
    Our Bible readings are Leviticus 23:15-21 and Acts 2:1-4

    This Service was broadcast on our YouTube Channel.

    Click here for the Life Group Notes.

    To share Communion from home, you will need a small amount of red juice or squash plus a slice of bread for sharing or a small piece of bread for a single person.

  • When I Grow Up (20/02/2022)

    Today’s service is led by John with the message from Pastor Shaun Sweeney.
    Our Bible reading is Luke Chapter 9, verses 18-27.

    This Service was broadcast on our YouTube Channel.

    Click here for the Life Group Notes.

  • Dish Of The Day: First Fruits (13/02/2022)

    Today’s service is led by Jill, with the message from Pastor Shaun Sweeney.
    We continue our Series: Dish of the Day
    Our Bible readings are Leviticus 23:9-14 and 1 Corinthians 15:9-23

    This Service was broadcast on our YouTube Channel.

    Click here for the Life Group Notes.

  • Savouring Our Saviour (06/02/2022)

    Today’s service is led by John with the message from Simon.
    We continue our Series: Savouring Our Saviour Our Bible reading is 1 Peter 1:22 - 2:3

    To share Communion from home, you will need a small amount of red juice or squash plus a slice of bread for sharing or a small piece of bread for a single person.

    This Service was broadcast on our YouTube Channel.

    Click here for the Life Group Notes.

  • Dish Of The Day: Passover (16/01/2022)

    Today’s service is led by Brenda Greenwood with the message from Pastor Shaun Sweeney.

    We begin a new Series: Dish of the Day
    Our Bible reading is Exodus 12:1-14

    This Service was broadcast on our YouTube Channel.

    Click here to download the Life Group Notes.

  • Savouring Our Saviour (09/01/2022)

    Today’s Rededication Service is led by John Waldron with the message from our Pastor Shaun Sweeney.
    We celebrate with Tazy and her family on the occasion of her baptism today!

    This Service was broadcast on our YouTube Channel.

    This year's Church Text theme is: Savouring Our Saviour
    Our Bible reading is Psalm 34:1-8
    Click here to download the Life Group Notes.

    To share Communion from home, you will need a small amount of red juice or squash plus a slice of bread for sharing or a small piece of bread for a single person.