Sermon Speaker: John Waldron
It’s Your Vote That Counts 28/05/2017
1 Samuel Chapter 8
Grace Happening (23/04/2017)
John 21:1-22
The Miracle Messiah (Christmas Eve 2016)
Are you there yet? Have you made your own journey to Christmas?
The Miracle Moment (04/12/2016)
Matthew 1:1-6 & Galatians 4:4 The Miracle of this Christmas Moment is not simply about a birth, it is about a coming. God had planned for the arrival of his Son, before he even created the earth.
#RealTimeSelfie (24/07/2016)
Ephesians 5:15-17
Chased By Grace – Part 2 (01/05/2016)
Ruth 1:8-22
Fruitfulness On The Frontline – Being a Mouthpiece for Truth & Justice (21/02/2016)
Its not fair! The Old Testament Prophets knew God's heart and weren't afraid to speak out for truth and justice. The story of how Nathan rebukes David, as told in 2 Samuel 12:1-13, sets out the principles that we can draw on as we stand for truth and justice on our Frontlines.