Prayer and Care

Pastoral Visit

Our pastoral visiting team ensures that a member of the church regularly visits those who are housebound, those who need encouragement, and those who are recuperating. If you would like a visit, please contact us.


Communicare is a group of volunteers from local churches, including SBC, who provide practical and emotional support to people in Shirley and neighbouring areas. We visit the lonely, help mothers with babies and young children and provide transport for hospital and other appointments. Our umbrella organisation is Southampton Voluntary Services. Please contact Communicare on 023 8250 0050 or click here to go to visit their website.

Prayer Request

We believe that when we pray, God listens, and answers. We may not always get the answer we’re looking for, but we believe praying makes a difference to peoples lives. If you would like us to pray for you, then let us know using the form on the right.