The Real Advent Calendar (October 2020)
The “New Normal” – you can help by acting now!
As autumn approaches and the situation around a (possible) second wave of the Covid-19 virus remains unclear, it might be tempting to cancel Christmas. However, Fairtrade believe that it’s more important than ever that we find ways to share the Christmas story and support their work, too. That is why they’ve decided to produce a special edition 2020 Real Advent Calendar – complete with rainbow markings and a new Christmas story activity book.
Because of the uncertainty this year, they are asking that we buy now or start planning to buy early for Christmas. They realise that this is unusual but, they say, production across the U.K. is going to be limited this year. Over the past 10 years, they have relied on people like Clem & Elaine buying direct from them, spreading the word and collecting orders on their behalf but this year things will be different. This year, please talk to Kirsty if you would like more details of how to order.
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