Church in the City (May 2020)

10. The Oldest Sat-Nav

In this day and age, whenever we go on a journey, most of us take a sat-nav. We very rarely take a paper map, although I am proud to say I am able to use a paper map still, the Brownies taught me great orientation skills.

As Christians, the Bible is like our sat-nav.  Our journey is to get closer to God and reach Heaven Since rekindling my faith, Bible study has become a real part of my daily life. Why?  Because to get to the journey’s end I need to know my way and studying the map helps with that.  Obviously, I am speaking about the Bible in very basic terms here.  Much like our relationship with God, everyone’s journey is different: of course, there are aspects of the Bible that are very clear cut such as the 10 commandments that we all strive to live by. At one point in my life I thought that the Bible was simply a book of rules that, frankly, I couldn’t relate to. As I have grown, though, I have come to realise it is essential to my walk with Christ.   At every turn, when I have felt lost, I can turn to the map to help guide me.  It is God through His word, and it is powerful. It can also comfort, guide, and even help to direct the path when things go wrong.  I have got a new found respect for the Book I now hold most dear.  Steeped in history and translated into almost every world language, I celebrate the fact that this Book exists. 

As well as guidance and a map, the Bible is also a history book and a prophetic book all rolled into one. There are first-hand accounts, and tales of things in history and prophecies of what’s to com, guidelines, family history and so, so much more.  Have you ever heard of a book that included so much all in one go?  I have many different versions of the Bible, but they all offer the same support for my journey.

If you don’t have a great relationship with the Bible, I challenge you to pick it up and write three things down that you hold dear from the Bible, though I have many.  Here is mine…

  1. The story of the lost penny/sheep.  – I have often felt lost or been lost in my life and I have been found by God.
  2. Psalm 23; always dear to my heart, and actually chosen for me for my Baptism
  3. The Book of Corinthians has always been a great guide to me.

Final Thought – What kind of relationship do you have with the Bible? 
Can you name the three things that you hold dear? 
Do you need to integrate Bible study into your life more?


Hayley R