Information on Best-Hygiene Practices (06 March 2020)

Dear Friends

There is no current advice to stop people gathering and the Baptist Union recommends that churches should consider following best-hygiene practices that include advising members with coughs and sneezes to refrain from handshaking and having hand-sanitisers available for all to use.

Unfortunately, we have been unable to get hold of enough alcohol-based hand sanitiser for everyone.
There is hand sanitiser in The Link for people with limited mobility who are unable to access the toilets.

We have soap available in all of our toilets and we would advise all those attending services or events to wash their hands on arrival.
To help you wash for the recommended 20-30 seconds you can sing the National Anthem or say The Lord’s Prayer.
Please do not use the kitchens for routine handwashing.

The current Government advice is that individuals should follow good hygiene practices including: 

  • carrying tissues and using them to catch coughs and sneezes, and binning the tissue;
  • washing hands with soap and water (for 20 seconds) or using sanitiser gel to kill germs.
  • avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • if you feel unwell, stay at home.
  • cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Please pass this information on to any members of the fellowship that are not able to access the internet.

You can read the Baptist Union’s full guidance via this link:

You can read the latest Government information via this link:

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Office Administrator
On behalf of Shaun and the Pastoral Team